
Places of Business Here and Abroad

Headquartered in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, ISU Chemical operates two manufacturing plants in Ulsan, the mecca of the country's petrochemical industry, and operates three overseas manufacturing or sales companies and overseas representatives.

ISU Chemical's Places of Business Here and Abroad

South Korea

  • Head Office
    84, Sapyeongdae-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul
    Tel.: +82 2-590-6600Fax.: +82 590-6666
  • Ulsan Plant
    108-224, Sapyeong-ro (Bugok-dong), Nam-gu, Ulsan
    Products: LAB, BAB, TAB, Heavy LAB, Heavy BAB
    Tel. +82 52-278-2700Fax.: +82 52-278-2888


  • Germany Branch (ISU Chemical Germany GmbH)
    Mergenthalerallee 77, D-65760 Eschborn, Germany
    Tel. +49-6196-5838717Fax. +49-6196-5838644
  • Great Orient Chemical
    11 South Binjiang Road, Taicang Port
    Development Zone, Jiangsu 215433, China
    Tel. +86-512-5359-9015~7Fax. +86-512-5359-9019
  • Isu Chemical Mexico Office
    Bosques de Cidros No. 18-304 (Entrada por Bosque de Radiatas No. 18)
    Bosques de las Lomas del. Cuajimalpa Mexico D.F. CP 05120
    Tel. +52-(55)-5570-7057Fax. +52-(55)-5570-4663
  • ISU Chemical China Shanghai Office
    Rm 1001,Block A,SOHO Zhongshan Plaza,No 1055,
    West Zhongshan Rd,Changning Dist,Shanghai China 200051
    Tel. +86-21-6278-0301Fax. +86-21-6278-0302
  • Shandong Dongming ISU Chemical Co., Ltd.
    Shandong Dongming ISU Chemical Co., Ltd. (GaoHai Road)
    Dongming Xian, Shandong Province, China 274513
    Tel. +86-0530-731-0900Fax. +86-0530-731-9111