"ISU Chemical establishes a culture of self-directed learning"
ISU Chemical is establishing a self-directed learning culture to develop human resources, the core of corporate competitiveness, and strengthen core competencies. Through this, we foster experts and key talents who create new knowledge and value in the Global & Digital era.
그룹일반공통 | 계층 리더십 | 특셩화교육 | 역량개발 | 자기개발 | |
임원 | 이수가치실천-이러닝 | Executive Seminar(임원리더십세미나) |
E-Learning & 독서통신교육
부·차장 | Senior Leadership | 팀리더 과정 / 면접관 교육 | |||
과장 | Manager Leadership | ||||
대리 | Junior Leadership | 중견사원 Junior Leadership 과정 | |||
사원 | Freshman to ISU(그룹신입사원입문) |