In the spirit of respect for humanity
Based on the spirit of respect for humanity, ISU Chemical is establishing an advanced safety and health management system to minimize casualties and property losses due to disasters. Believing that a safe, clean workplace can produce a quality product! It's another important aspect of ISU Chemical's corporate philosophy.
ISU Chemical recognizes safety and healthy environment as the core value of management and builds a safety culture that complies with the basics to create a safe, healthy, and eco-friendly company for all employees and partners as follows
Fully comply with health and safety, environmental laws and regulations, stakeholder requirements, and internal policies
Establish a safety, health, and environmental management system and continuously improve it through voluntary activities and systematic management.
We seek to improve the health and quality of life of our employees by creating a safe and comfortable work environment.
Contribute to the preservation of the local and global environment by minimizing pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions.
Transparently disclose and communicate our safety, health, and environmental performance internally and externally.
We have introduced the Process Safety Management (PSM/SMS) system to continuously improve the remaining risk factors through risk assessment of all processes, and calculate the degree of risk by quantitative risk assessment to minimize damages and prepare for the spread of damages. We are also doing our best to ensure fundamental safety by reviewing the safety of new, expanded, and modified plants.
We have established education and training plans for all employees by hierarchy and position, and are committed to practical disaster prevention activities, such as workshop training to discuss accident cases in small groups and training to acquire various safety and health knowledge at the managerial level to cultivate risk forecasting capabilities and induce the discovery of risk factors into daily life.
Health and safety management system
We are committed to creating a comfortable and safe working environment by establishing and implementing action plans for autonomous safety and health management activities involving all employees (Do), checking and taking corrective measures (Check), and reviewing them by the CEO (Action) through a circular process of continuous improvement and systematic safety and health activities.
Health and safety management system