
Stock/shareholder Status

Stock issuance history

(Base date: 12/31/2023, units: weeks))
ClassificationTypes of stocks
Common stockTotal
I. Total number of shares to be issued50,000,00050,000,000
II. Total number of shares issued to date 28,231,488 28,231,488
III. Total number of shares decreased to date 5,508,749 5,508,749
1. Capital reduction--
2. Profit redemption--
3. Redemption of redeemable shares--
4. Other 5,508,749 5,508,749
Total number of issued shares ( II - III ) 22,722,739 22,722,739
V. Number of own shares 643,833 643,833
Ⅵ. Number of shares outstanding (Ⅳ-Ⅴ) 22,078,906 22,078,906

Shareholder status

(Base date: as of 12/31/2023)
ClassificationStakeNumber of shares
Largest shareholders such as ISU Co., Ltd. 28% 6,322,923
Treasury stock 3% 643,833
Other shareholders 69% 15,755,983
Total 100.0% 22,722,739