
About ISU group

Since its founding in 1969, ISU Group has contributed to the development of human society by practicing the management philosophy of "creating a beautiful future that adds abundance and convenience to life."

From the production of eco-friendly detergent raw materials to the production of high-tech IT products, to the construction of convenient living spaces and social infrastructure such as roads and plants, to the development of technologies to improve people's health, we have been engaged in activities to enrich and facilitate the lives of humanity in every corner of our lives.

Since the introduction of the CI in 1996, ISU Group has been growing into a global company by expanding its business and actively entering overseas markets.

We have successfully diversified our business by expanding into future growth industries such as IT, bio, and finance.

As a result of strengthening the competitiveness of each business division by practicing quality management and developing future-oriented high-value-added products through continuous management innovation activities along with business diversification, we have been able to stand shoulder to shoulder with global companies in the domestic market as well as overseas markets.

We have local subsidiaries and offices in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and recently entered the Chinese market to strengthen our presence in overseas markets and explore new business opportunities.

Establishment of holding company ISU Co., Ltd.

ISU Group established ISU Co., Ltd., a holding company, on August 1, 2003, to respond to social demands and interest in improving corporate governance and transparent management.

In addition to managing the equity interests of its subsidiaries, ISU also promotes its own revenue business and realizes economies of scale at the group level by jointly promoting overlapping tasks among affiliates, such as education, public relations, and management improvement activities such as Six Sigma TOP.

In addition, he is responsible for promoting the group vision to strengthen the capabilities of the organization's employees, achieving a unique corporate culture, and discovering new businesses.

ISU Group Company

01 Holding company

04 E&C

05 Culture&Investment

06 BIO&Medical

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