
Social Contribution

A Company That Fulfills Its Social Responsibilities

ISU Chemical's CSR activities have the entire staff participating as part of the company's strategic ethical management activities, which serve as the educational opportunities to cultivate unity, affection for the company, and pride in the company and upgrading the organizational culture. Furthermore, the company puts in dedicated efforts to create the correct effects by receiving prior education from professionals on the targets of the volunteer work, specific activities, and the method to implement them.

The launch of ISU Volunteer Group (Jul. 27, 2009)

With the aim of upgrading the previous club-based volunteer work into company-wide activities and thereby breaking from mere charity work and implementing it as part of the strategic ethical management linked to the fulfillment of the company goals, the company organized ISU Volunteer Group, which remains active.

Operating Organization
Operating Organization
Mode of Operation
  • - Implemented with links to wholesome company party.
  • - Education on the activities from a social worker invited from Ulsan Metropolitan Council of Social Welfare prior to start.
  • - Detailed activities are to be decided independently by different teams.
Raising Funds for the Activities
Profits from vending machines Monthly deductions of specified amounts from the salaries of staff who want in. Matching Grand Monthly deductions of specified amounts from the salaries of staff who want in matched by the double amounts donated by the company Other sources: proceeds from ISU Hof Day etc.
  • 이수나눔 (정신지체자 보육시설 봉사) 창설
    ISU Sharing (volunteering at facilities for tending the mentally challenged) created Due to geographical distance, the head office staff has this volunteer group which operates separately from the plants.
  • 1사 1하천 운동
    One Company One River Campaign As part of ISU Chemical's voluntary environmental cleanup efforts, it began in 1996.
    • - Ulsan Plant: cleanup work and creating flower gardens around the Taehwa River (twice a month)
    • - Onsan Plant: Daeun-cheon valley in Daeun-san Mountain (once a month)
  • Sponsorships to Culture & Arts
    Sponsorships to Culture & Arts The company sponsors "21st-Century Literature", the quarterly literary magazine, and "ISU Literature Award" (award given in May).
  • Purchasing autumn grain-crop grown by farmers around the industrial complex.
    Purchasing autumn grain-crop grown by farmers around the industrial complex It is designed to fund the Industrial Complex Scholarship for the children in the local community.
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