

The Purpose of Preregistration

After the preregistration (Jun. 1 - Dec. 1, 2008), the main registration proceeds in phases until 2018, according to volume and hazardousness. If the preregistration fails to be implemented, export is restricted from Dec. 1, 2008 until the main registration. So, the preregistration is implemented to receive a grace period for registration.

The Purpose of Preregistration

Overview of REACH

As the acronym of Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals, REACH is a regulation on managing chemicals [Regulation (1907/2006/EC)] that stipulates the registration, evaluation, approval, and restriction of all the substances in minimum 1 ton that is manufactured in or imported into EU and was introduced in June 2007, for the purpose of protecting people's health and the environment from the use of chemicals and strengthening the competitiveness of the industry in EU. With the agency for producing and registering the hazardousness data lying not with the state but with the substance manufacturing business, the regulation pursues "No data, no market", blocking the entry of a substance into the market if its maker fails to prove its safety.

PRODUCTEINECSCASTypeIntention of registrationTonnage bandDeadline
LAB 268-051-0 67774-74-7 Substance 0 >1000t 210.11.30
LABSA 287-494-3 85536-14-7 Substance 0
NP(C10~13,C14~17) 265-233-4 64771-72-8 Substance 0
TDM 246-619-1 25103-58-6 Substance 0
IPA 200-661-7 67-63-0 Substance 0

Purpose of Preregistration

Appointment of Only Representative (OR)

A company or a natural person outside EU may not serve as a representative of registration under the REACH regulation and must designate a natural person or a company inside EU as the only representative to proceed with the registration.

Different Registration Strategies for Different Substances

The company is preparing the registration of all its substances subject to the preregistration through the consortium as below, and details may be learned through the link.

  • 01 Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) & Derivatives REACH Consortium Go
  • 02 Hydrocarbon Solvents REACH Consortium Go